Kelly Body

"Kelly’s love for the unique flora and fauna we have in Aotearoa, coupled with the drive to protect it for future generations has enabled her to help tauira and kura to understand our unique ecosystems and environments. She has developed sessions for primary and NCEA secondary, and includes sessions on everything from birds, trees, river studies and invertebrates, to creative science communication, tracking and trapping and conservation ethics. Based in Porirua, Kelly has worked as a zoologist, ecologist and science communicator in the education space since 2017, communicating biological and ecological concepts in accessible and relevant ways."

Work with

Kelly Body

Having a connection to nature is key to engaging with and taking action for the environments around us, which drives Kelly to do work that celebrates the connection between young minds and the natural world while ensuring the accessibility and relevance of te taiao to all. Kelly holds a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Ecology from the University of Otago and a Master of Science in Society from Victoria University Te Herenga Waka.

In her previous role as Pou Mātauranga/Education Director at Pūkaha, Kelly developed and facilitated comprehensive education programs from early childhood tauira to adult learners. Her experience as an instructional designer has also led to her creating lessons, imagery and animations for tauira to learn about complex biological and ecological concepts. Kelly’s educational sessions are diverse and engaging, covering student-led school biodiversity projects, bird, tree and invertebrate surveys, to stream health assessments and tracking and trapping.

Her expertise in science communication helps tauira express conservation, science, biology, and ecology concepts through creative mediums like art. Beyond her professional endeavours, Kelly actively contributes to conservation through illustrations for a range of organisations and artworks that raise awareness of some less charismatic species in Aotearoa. She loves to contribute to the overall health of our unique ecosystems by helping inspire future generations to cherish and engage with protecting our precious natural heritage.

Kelly Body

we are a team of scientists and science communicators

We grew up outside, connected with the nature and believe that our kids should go outside too.

Here, at Field-based STEM, we are all working as a big team. Tap into our collective expertise.  

"Unlike scientific community programmes that are expensive and require lots of investment, field work is done by individuals and is accessible to anyone. The skills gained during field work open up a huge area for everyone undertaking it."

what we've been up to