Jeff Bezos, Ellon Musk and Mark Zukerberg fight it out each year for the top spot as the wealthiest person in the world. There’s another thing the wealthiest people in the world have in common – they are all diagnosed neurodivergent!
Looking further beyond the tech world, many of the world’s most successful people in their fields are neurodiverse. Excelling in sport and in their ADHD, we have Simone Bile, Lewis Hamilton and Micheal Phelps.
Greta Thunberg and Chloe Hayden both excel within advocacy spaces, and they both are autistic. Thomas Edison and Stephen Hawking are both dyslexic.
Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo, recipients of The Grammys Best New Artist Award, both have synaesthesia.
There are so many more examples of this, which raises the question – does their neurodiversity play a significant role in their ability to excel?
Neurodiverse people have a number of barriers to overcome in their lives. These examples of people performing top of their field, highlights the conditions where these barriers subside, and their unique abilities are captured. If we take superhero Spiderman as an example, when first learning about his unique abilities there was a mismatch between these abilities and his environment (he accidentally kept breaking stuff with his web shooters). But with education and understanding, Peter Parker was able to use his unique abilities to accomplish his goal of saving lives.
In this workshop Kiera Jones (educational psychologist) will take you through a thorough look into the minds of neurodiverse people. With the goal to explore what actions we can take to coordinate our society in ways that cultivate the uniqueness of neurodiverse minds.